Weinstein, Azoff, Dolan and The Wilde Connection
Behind the Curtains
We’ve all sat and watched as celebrity after celebrity and millionaire after millionaire has been exposed as perpetrators of sexual abuse, and in some cases paedophilia. This sickening yet all too common part of the upper echelons of society is something we know all too well about, but something that doesn’t get as much coverage in the press as it should.
When Harvey Weinstein was convicted of sexual assault, the Me Too movement happened but this movement isn’t enough when perpetrators of sexual abuse get away with it. It’s far too commonplace that in the entertainment world, in the world of millionaires and billionaires they feel that they are above the law, above the repercussions of their actions and as such victims are often either bought off or ridiculed for attempting to hold them accountable.
We’ve seen it recently with the Kesha/ Dr. Luke case in which Kesha accused Dr.Luke of sexual assault and was mandated by court order that she had to see out her contract under him, regardless. After the hearing people found out that one of the judges on the case was in fact married to a lawyer who worked for Sony at the time. No surprise there then, really.
Sony has a history of abusing their artists, from Prince to Michael Jackson, from the Backstreet Boys to Nsync, from One Direction to Five Seconds of Summer. They also have a history of closeting queer boybanders to ensure that the band is successful, often to the detriment of the queer artist's own mental and emotional health.
Looking a little deeper at the connections between Sony artists and Weinstein was eye opening, especially when one Harry Styles popped up as having met Weinstein. Interesting, you may say. Or you may be a fan of Harry’s who’s all too aware of the stunt he was party to in 2020-2022 and how incredibly uncomfortable he was during the whole mess.
How, you may ask, does this pertain to Weinstein? Well I’ll get to that, but first I wanna share with you about one James Dolan. James Dolan is the CEO of the sphere and as of recently (January 2024) was named in a lawsuit as a perpetrator of sexual assualt. This isn't surprising and what's less surprising is that he’s a close friend of Irving Azoff and his business associate, but guess who else was been named in the lawsuit? Harvey Weinstein.
How does Weinstein relate to Harry Styles? And why is this important now? One of his close friends is Harry’s manager's dad, Irving Azoff and another is none other than Olivia Wilde herself. There have been rumours floating around about Wilde and what she did for Weinstein and then to force Harry to stunt with her for over two years when he looked desperately uncomfortable in every picture, every video and every moment he was beside her is wrong on so many levels.
Further Weinstein talked on a number of occasions about Harry and had tried to cast Harry in a movie, which Harry couldn’t do due to scheduling conflicts. According to Weinstein he met Harry on two to three occasions, one being Weinstein’s Oscars party and they went out to lunch together in 2014.
We’ve heard from blinds about the music industry that often management companies and labels decide on who each celebrity is going to be paired off with, for whatever reason and pairing Harry with Oivia Wilde when she has a past that includes her being named as a co-conspirator of abuse is sick.
Further knowing Shelley Azoff is facing accusations about sexual assault, I wouldn’t be surprised if Irving is soon named as a perpetrator. It’s extremely surprising that he’s not been named as yet, when his close business partner has and when his former friend has as well.
One day soon the vault is going to pop open and the secrets about the man they call the mob boss of the music industry is going to be exposed.
Will Harry be implicated by association? Only time will tell, but one things for sure, our golden boy from Cheshire was sucked in by someone he thought was a friend and exposed to more darkness than he should have been. Jeff Azoff has a lot to answer for and needs to be held accountable for the fact that he never lets Harry out of his sight in public.
If Harry isn’t with Jeff, he’s with Brad or Tommy or Tom or James or his current stunt girlfriend. He’s rarely on his own and I’m sure stunt pictures or pictures placing him in London or LA are incoming since Louis is in Jakarta and then Australia for his tour.
That’s all for now folks, but I’ll be back with more next week.
Take Care
Behind The Curtains.
Attached is the CNN article exposing the abuse and the claims of the victim: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/16/us/james-dolan-harvey-weinstein-sexual-assault-lawsuit/index.html
The article exposing the Azoffs of sexual assualt: https://radaronline.com/p/irving-azoff-wife-rochelle-shelli-sued-ex-housekeeper-lawsuit-burned-
Article about Olivia Wilde and Harvey Weinstein showing their close personal relationship before he was charged with sexual assualt:
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