Behind Closed Doors
Over the last few years, and most especially over the last few months there have been an increase in the exposure of criminal behaviour among those in the entertainment industries. Many have watched in horror as multiple celebrities have detailed abuse they suffered and witnessed certain celebrities finally being held accountable for their crimes. Since 2016 and Weinstein’s arrest and subsequent trials, many females and males have bravely come forward about abuse they have suffered at the hands of bosses, executives or predators within the entertainment industry.
The Me Too movement was incredibly important, but what has changed within these industries? Unfortunately the answer seems to be nothing. In the last year we’ve seen Drake Bell come forward about abuse he suffered in 2004 where the abuser was charged and served time in prison, but then went on to work on another kids’ TV show. Background checks need not apply to predators as long as parents are present on the set, but what ‘Quiet on Set’ has shown is that institutionalised abuse is kept quiet and swept under the rug.
Why didn’t parents know that the shows they were watching contained images and information that was unsuitable for young viewers, made with children who were being abused by producers and executives and why was there this complicity in keeping victims quiet? Why is the entertainment industry so corrupt that those literally abusing others get to keep their jobs while the victims are either threatened to keep quiet, or they’ll lose job opportunities?
What kind of society are we that allows preying on talented young men and women who just want to follow their dreams? Many in the general public believe that the entertainment industry is full of sunshine and rainbows, often claiming that celebrities make lots of money and live better lives than anyone can dream off, so they should just accept the abuse since they still do the job, which is horrifying to say the least. These are things I’ve personally heard while discussing industry abuses, so how can otherwise compassionate people not understand that the abuse that is happening is systemic and a symptom of a broken, hugely corrupt system that protects abusers over victims?
Katie Waissel, formerly of X Factor fame and current advocate for change within the entertainment industry posted on X that Syco, one of Sony’s labels, have contacted her stating that she has not complied with requests for reports on her sexual assault even though she categorically states she has complied and that the company protected the perpetrator of sexual assault who was an employee of Syco, over the investigation which was severely mishandled.
Why are people like Katie forced to go through numerous obstacles to get justice for an extreme abuse that was committed? Is it because the music industry and entertainment industries as a whole are corrupt to their core? Why are victims of assault made to detail the crimes of the abuser over and over again, while the perpetrators sit in their glass offices, free to commit the same assaults over and over again, because nothing is ever done?
Katie has also been a voice of the victims, fighting for a better, safer industry, and has been a listening shoulder for multiple people within the music and acting world who have confided abuse in- from being taken to parties and taken advantage off, to sexual assault, abuse and more. Katie is currently launching FORTHERECORD and the aim is to give victims a safe space to air their abuses and will hopefully be the catalyst for multiple changes within the entertainment sector.
The entertainment world is, according to a UN special report, full of those who would groom, abuse and intimidate those chasing their dreams and abuse is so widespread that something needs to be done. The UN special reporter called out the power dynamics within the industry stating that victims are forced into situations by men and women much more powerful than they are and left with little to no choice but to comply. If they speak out about the abuses, then the job opportunities and their careers are shut down.
Musicians can be blacklisted from promotion, radio play, tv play, festivals and the media. Actors can be blacklisted from getting roles, getting auditions and all are coerced into signing NDAs which protect the abuser and buy the victims complicity and silence. Many victims simply can’t come forward because of the contracts and NDAs that they have signed and multiple people have said that the NDAs they have signed are lifelong until they or the person that the NDA protects dies and not even then: it was revealed that O J Simpson made his children sign an NDA as he lay dying.
Non Disclosure Agreements give predators a quick and easy way to silence victims and while, in the law NDAs cannot and should not be used to silence victims, they are and are used to cover up multiple abuses in the entertainment world. When the courts side with the perpetrators, make victims feel like frauds and accuse them of lying, accuse them of being provocative and ask whether they were dressed appropriately, were intoxicated and whether they initially consented- then it’s no surprise that NDAs are misused in the way that they are.
What is it going to take to make the general public see that there is horrendous abuse happening just so we can be entertained? Why is it okay for children to be sexually exploited, suffer sexual assault, grooming, abuse and much more at the hands of exectives? Why are there no criminal checks in place to make people safer?
If someone is a victim of any type of assault, why are the perpetrators protected instead of the victims? The entertainment industry exists to give people an escape from the daily drudgery of their lives, but at what cost? How many more people need to come forward before changes are made?
I wish I had the answers, but I applaud those brave enough to speak out and my heart goes out to the victims of abuse in any form. To the victims I say this- you didn’t deserve to be abused. You deserved protection and you are not at fault. What happened to you is not your fault and I hope one day you can come forward and help, or that your perpetrator is held accountable for their crimes.
To the labels, the managers, the executives, the producers, the TV networks and film studios- the public aren’t as stupid as you want them to be, and it’s high time you took accountability for what is happening under your watch. It’s high time you protected the talent over the predators and put changes in place to protect others from suffering. If you don’t we won’t stop until there’s nothing left.
To quote a book/movie I love, as Katnis says in Mockinyjay.
“If we burn, you burn with us.”
You can’t keep repeating the same cycles of abuse, manipulation and coercive control and we will burn the entire industry to the ground to make sure that the next generations of artists, of musicians, actors, models and creatives are protected. It’s time to stand up and be counted, and to put a stop to the systemic abuse that is happening under your noses.
If you don’t, then my hope for the future is that all those who’ve suffered abuse, homophobia, racism, coercive control and manipulation come forward and show you all that you aren’t untouchable and that they are stronger than you.
There’s strength in numbers and we are many. We will make changes if you won't and we will educate people on the dangers of the entertainment industries. It’s your choice, but you will be called out publicly and we, at Behind The Curtains, will fight everyday to bring these abuses to light. We will stand and be counted alongside Katie Waissel and the many others who are courageous enough to shed light on the horrors of the entertainment world.
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