The Notes Connection!
Who is Roger Nores and what is his connection to Liam Payne and his passing? Over the last six weeks fans of Liam and those in the general public who pay attention to details have been fed a bunch of lies, half truths and manipulations in regards to Liam’s passing. We were told his death was an accident and the official line is that there was no third party involvement, but is that true? Is it true that Liam’s passing was nothing more than a tragic accident or are more insidious forces at work behind the scenes fighting to make everyone believe that it was an accident when in fact, each day that passes and with each new bit of evidence it looks more and more like anything but.
Liam was, as friends and family have pointed out, an exceptionally good and kind person with a heart of gold, however he was also a person who always saw the best in others and this may have cost him his life. From April 2024, Roger or Rogelio Nores, appeared in Liam’s life and somehow seemed to take over control of him. Liam was moved officially from his London home to Florida and was seen on multiple Snapchats of Kate Cassidy, his girlfriend in the public eye.
Liam was dragged around by Kate like he was a designer accessory and made, or coerced, to act like a influencer rather than the talented musician he was. Roger and Kate were always with him and Liam himself said Kate was controlling him and was always making him do things he didn’t want to do. Now to the general public this could be brushed off as Liam being unhappy in his relationship, but to eagle-eyed fans a worrying connection was made between Liam’s private and public images.
Fans first spotted Roger Nores with Liam in April, yet he had apparently known Liam since 2020, and yet from April of this year he rarely left Liam’s side, appearing in multiple Snapchats with Kate and Liam. Liam’s father stated to the Argeninian police that he only got updates on Liam through Roger. Roger himself claimed he was keeping Liam clean from drugs and other illicit substances, yet fans spotted Roger taking what appears to be a line of cocaine at Niall’s concert in October.
Roger also apparently had texted Liam shortly before his death stating in this message, ‘the six grams is the good stuff’, so this was not about keeping Liam clean - so what could it be about? Many have speculated that Nores, who is apparently embroiled in a court battle with his brother in Miami and reportedly represented by a law firm with ties to the Henry family, could have been exploiting Liam for financial purposes. It was alleged that Roger was added to Liam’s songwriting credits for his new album, which was put on ice when he was dropped days before his death by universal.
Further, Roger claimed in the media reports he was not Liam’s manager - but friends of Liam have come forward and claimed that Liam was moved into a property in Florida that was owned by a friend of Nores’ and that he was acting as Liam’s de facto manager when Liam let the rest of his team go earlier this year. This is also at odds with videos of Nores’ who was seemingly directing Liam with fan engagements and also heard in the weeks preceding Liam’s passing boasting to fans outside the Hyatt hotel about how much control he had over Liam.
Roger is Argentinian and according to sources of mine from countries around Argentina it’s well known that the government and police are corrupt which could have been why Liam was lured to Argentina. He said in a Snapchat video that they HAD to go to Argentina. HAD TO GO. Why did they have to go there? Why was his visa application made there, trapping him in the country? Why couldn’t he have gone to see his mum when he was waiting on his application and made the application from his home country instead of a foreign country where he didn’t speak the language? Hel op was further isolated when Kate allegedly left with his cards and clothes.
Did Roger plan something for Liam or was it all a ruse to lure him to a country where Nores has deep connections? Was Liam no longer useful to Nores since he’d been dropped by his label? Or was it more insidious than that? Was Liam a victim of a set up? We know Nores has ties to the Henry family - as in Liam’s ex fiance Maya’s family - and we know Maya had recently come out and accused Liam of abusing her, so was this payback for those allegations?
Maya’s book depicted Liam attempting to end his life in Argentina and we all know that the very first narrative that was fed to the public was that Liam’s life had ended because of a drug fueled binge and apparent suicide - only the facts didn’t fit. Did they try to pass off Liam’s death as a suicide, changing the narrative to accident when it was spotted that none of their stories fitted his death? Why did Maya’s book cover have a hotel that eerily enough looks like the outside of the Casa Sur Palermo? Why is there a connection between Roger Nores and Maya’s family and why was an article explaining this connection deleted from the internet? Why is Roger’s name no longer being mentioned by authorities and why did Roger present himself to the police with a lawyer who said his client would answer questions only if he was being charged with anything?
Those connections and Liam’s death may remain unanswered but many people are seeing through the narrative that has been fed about Liam’s death and I can only hope that Liam’s family and friends have better answers because at present, the whole case looks like a coverup for a crime that stole the life of someone who was loved by millions. They tried to destroy his reputation, have tried to ruin his legacy, but fans know who Liam was. He was good and he was kind and he was loved. Allegations are not fact and unless there is evidence to the contrary, Liam is no more an abuser than anyone else.
Liam was a victim of abuse. He was seen with split lips, bruises and in the last months of his life, isolated from family, friends and loved ones. He was the victim of an online hate campaign by a bitter ex who was furious with him, but we can’t know if he abused her. One thing is for certain - and that is that Liam didn’t deserve to lose his life as he did, carried like a sack of potatoes and dumped into an isolated hotel room, with guards outside the door as though he was some low life scumbag. He was loved and he was worth saving and we, as fans, won’t stop until there is justice served for both his death and the abuses he suffered in his life.
We loved Liam. We didn’t buy the crap they tried to sell us and Roger Nores, Maya Henry and Kate Cassidy all exploited and abused Liam and deserve everything karma gives them for it. I hope the justice is swift and fast, and I hope the guilt over what they did to him eats them alive for the rest of their lives.
We will fight for answers and we will help Geoff, Karen, Ruth and Nicola find out what happened to their loved one. No one should ever have been left as Liam was.
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Very good article says it all. Justice for Liam.
I agree with everything written, no one could have put it better.
Hi, what a great article. Thank goodness people are trying to get justice for liam. I am fed up of the narrative that liam was a troubled star and caused his death. I believe liam was murdered and his body was put on the decking to stage a fall. I can't imagine how much liam suffered before he died to sustain the injuries he had. Destroying liams name is a disgraceful thing to do. Shame on Roger Nores and the media and the casa sur palemo hotel. Who needs en
This makes more sense. I just don't know why he had to be controlled by anyone.
Louis, Harry , Niall Zayn all were living their own lives. Coming and going as they pleased.
This is a fabulous article that really opens up all the areas of concern that need both attention and answers. Well said and thank you so much for doing this.
Wow, das ist soooo toll geschrieben. Ein wirklich guter Artikel und Alles auf den Punkt gebracht.
Wir werden Alle um Gerechtigkeit kämpfen und hoffen, dass alle Beteiligten bestraft werden.
Für mich ist klar, dass er ermordet wurde und Rogelio ist der Haupttäter