Why Fan's need to keep fighting!
I found myself in and amongst a fandom with a passion - a passion for music, a passion for belonging and most of all I’ve found amongst the love, the support, and the laughs, I’ve found a passion a fandom has to fight. Not in the ‘I’ll meet you on the field in five’ kind of fight, but a fight against those ‘in charge’ - those ‘at the top’ - the labels, the managers, those who ‘call the shots’.
Now some might say “I’m an OT5, I’m a Louie, a Harrie, a Nialler, a Payno, or a Zquad”, amongst other names the fandoms have given themselves over the years. Very briefly (use that term loosely!) I saw a fandom unite, through grief - whether it was for the love of their own whom they follow, or if some might have actually felt some human emotion and felt a sadness for someone whom has passed so young in unexplainable circumstances - I’d like to think it was both.
I won’t delve into details - it’s excruciatingly hard right now for myself and many, many more - but we know the version of events which led to this.
On seeing the pictures from Liam’s funeral, my heart shattered into a thousand more pieces. I saw a family and friends broken by grief; I had to question everything I’ve ever seen or read and say this.
I have questions as we all do. Do we have answers? No, we don’t but we have very fragmented version of events that lead us into trying to find out truths.
Why do people say we have to keep fighting??
I’ll get to the reasons why I’m writing later but let’s go back a few years, and some more names: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Sid Vicious, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Mac Miller, Avici - these are only a few. I could list so many more. All these names - young lives lost. Most according to what’s reported, are deaths from drugs in some shape or form.
Accidental or not, people will have the conversations that the lifestyle of a rock star or someone who is in the public eye are subjected to that way of life. It’s entwined with money, fame and the circles in which they engross themselves. You could say fame creeps up on some so fast, they need a way to cope. I don’t want to go too deep with this as I want to get to my point..
Young deaths in the industry have been happening for decades, but with whatever has been reported on those over the years have we ever got to the truth?? Is the industry itself to blame?? I hear you screaming ‘YES!’
So I could go on, however I am no writer - at the best of times my words scramble and I’ve not written anything detailed since I was in education almost 30 years ago.
So what’s the point here, I hear you ask?!
I’ve had thoughts for weeks. Why am I aligning myself up with people on X or Instagram, and engaging into battle - a battle against the ‘Industry?’
I’m no match for these people. Massive names have fought the giants Sony™️ for years: George Michael, Prince, Michael Jackson. They’ve fought long and hard, and taken them to court. Have the years they spent embroiled in legal battles made any changes to the industry?
I see so much fight, and passion from people to highlight abuses, contracts and to make better conditions for current artists. I find myself asking over and over, ‘Why is my small voice in a massive void going to help or make a difference?’ Do I give up? Is there any point??
But then I see so many, not just the fandom I’m in, but others, chipping away everyday - everyday, calling out the labels, management, handlers, beards - you name it.
I have to question my thinking.
So I go back to the beginning when I asked: ‘Why do people say we have to keep fighting??’ Singularly one voice is lost in the void. Collectively it’s a force. All artists, all fandoms can do much more working together. Those that no longer have it or are silenced and no longer have the ability - we are your voice.
I asked those also in the fandom who I hold in close regard and call dear friends that same question: “They don’t yet have freedom - they are still trapped under abusive contracts, as are many others. What we are doing continues to expose the evil that goes on in the industry right under our noses, in plain sight.”
Would you let the person you adore, hold in high regard, whose music you love, a person who’s a decent human being be subjected to the most abhorrent abuses??
I know your answer. I know mine too and I think that’s why ‘We have to keep fighting’.
BTC Admin 3.
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Thank you for this. It makes me want to keep hoping that we can change things, maybe save lives. Thank you for making us want to keep fighting, together.