This blog is going to primarily be about exposing the abuse that happens under our very noses in the music industry. The main contributor has a degree in media and cultural studies and will be posting articles around abuse, pr relationships/ showman's. We are going to work hard to expose the seedy underbelly of not only the music world, but of Hollywood, of modelling and TV talent shows. They are all interlinked and our authors are going to show the ways that record labels, music management companies, entertainment lawyers, TV talent shows and Hollywood abuse their clients and use them in the most degrading and inhumane ways.
There is sexual, physical, emotional and financial abuse recorded. There is homophobia and closeting of creatives that is happening at all times and we all need to look beyond the glitz and glamour to see the horrors that our favourite actors, singers and models face at the hands of those in charge.
What's The Story Now, Kate?
Simon Cowell: Friends in Low Places
Homophobia in the music industry
The Insanity of Nores
The Kate Konundrum
Never Ending Stories
The Insanity of Blocking
Fables, Tall Tales and Changing Narratives again
The Nores Connection
Why We Fight
I found myself in and amongst a fandom with a passion - a passion for music, a passion for belonging and most of all I’ve found amongst the love, the support, and the laughs, I’ve found a passion a fandom has to fight. Not in the ‘I’ll meet you on the field in five’ kind of fight, but a fight against those ‘in charge’ - those ‘at the top’ - the labels, the managers, those who ‘call the shots’.